Rediscover Your Bodies Purpose

Human Fitness was founded on a mission: To help women BREAKFREE from crazy diet rules, self criticism, and negative patterns keeping them stuck toward a holistic understanding of what it truly means to be human, encouraging them to embrace imperfections, nourish + strengthen their bodies, and cultivate a resilient mindset.

The deeper we go into modern society, the farther away we become from our human roots. There have been many advancements over the last century but some of these advancements have come at a cost - our bodies health. 

Our environments have completely changed from our ancestors time but our bodies have remained the same.  People are overworked, carry more stress, and spend less time being physically active. As a result, our bodies become de-conditioned and imbalanced. Your body wants to move and it needs to move to be healthy and to be happy.  There is plenty of science based evidence to support that statement. It's clear that in today's world, we have to go out of our way to include daily movement and exercise back into our day to day lives to fit and meet our bodies needs for standard health.

Human Fitness was created to give women the personalized care that they need to reach their fitness goals and achieve greater phsycial and mental health by following a program and working with a coach intimately.

"People are overworked, carry more stress, and spend less time being physically active. As a result, our bodies become de-conditioned and imbalanced."

The 4 CORE Pillars Human Fitness was built upon...

Meet Your Coach Meaghan Renee

Meaghan Renee is a proud boy-mom of 1 adventurous munchkin. Once a professional dancer, now turned Spartan & Deka racer. Living life 5 yrs alcohol-free! 

Back story: She grew up on sports, acrobatics, and dance, which she decided at the age of 12, she wanted to pursue dance professionally.  She went to college for dance and later adventured too NYC to pursue a dream and her career further.  At auditions, she was being told she needed to lose 5-10lbs or "tone up" and to come back to audition again. She developed body image issues, body dysmorphia, and had low self-esteem. She leaned towards all the catchy weight loss marketing thinking this was the only way to lose weight. She tried different diets, detoxes, fat burners, spending hours at the gym doing mostly cardio to burn off calories, doing random workouts, under eating food, just to drink all her calories later by coping with alcohol. Her health physically and mentally were struggling. She knew she wanted out of the vicious cycle. It was exhausting and deep down she just wanted to love her body and her self again.

Thats when she dove head first into the fitness and health world, invested in herself, and became a certified personal trainer and health coach. She realized how many other women were in the same boat she was, turning to magazines and following bikini competitors to tell me how to eat and what exercises i should be doing. Thats when she decided to take her education even further, invest again in herself, and specifically specialized in Women's Fitness. She was determined to figure out true health and why it was these fad diets and quick fixes continued to let her down.  She rediscovered and connected with her female body and her human roots.

Long story short, Meaghan is here today with many certifications under her belt and a long list of clients successfully reaching their fitness goals while building a healthy relationship with exercise & food so they can actually maintain and set new goals.

"You have to trust the process and fall in love with the process instead of focusing on a "result". Your body deserves SO much more than a result. It deserves love & care - we show our body that by moving and exercising " - Meaghan Renee

Meaghan is a Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Health Coach, Online Fitness Coach, Women's Fitness Specialist, and Exercise Science Professional that has worked hard and built some amazing programs to teach you the tools she has learned now on to you! 

I'm grateful to have you here.

Head over to the programs tab to see which program is a match for you!

Keep going!


Coach Meg

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